About Us
Dirigo Literacy supports schools, districts, and states in aligning with and implementing the science of reading. We are passionate about improving literacy outcomes for all students and are committed to providing high-quality professional development and ongoing support. We are professors, researchers, literacy coaches, classroom teachers, school and district leaders, authors, and speakers.​
Who We Are
Our team members hold advanced degrees in literacy education, and we continuously seek professional development opportunities to stay abreast of the latest research and best practices in the field. We are critical consumers and producers of peer-reviewed research, and are actively involved in national and international literacy professional organizations.
Our Expertise
With years of experience in the field of literacy education, we have successfully collaborated with numerous educational institutions to enhance their literacy instruction and curriculum. Our expertise spans from early literacy to adolescent literacy; we present at major national and international conferences, as well as support local and regional literacy work.
Our Specialities
At Dirigo Literacy, we specialize in providing tailored support for educators, administrators, and policymakers. Our areas of expertise include implementation of high quality instructional materials, professional learning communities, data-driven decision making, coaching, and comprehensive literacy reform initiatives.